Thursday, March 13, 2008

I am sick of our leaders

What the heck is going on with our beloved leaders these days. I am sickened by the lack of Integrity not only with our politicians but with some of our church leaders. Just this month a pastor of a very large congregation a person that I once respected was caught in several adulteress relationships. A girl that attends a bible study told the group that she was molested by her pastor. And know this Governor of New York, caught with prostitutes. He should be forced to resign!!! We will be held accountable for these leaders we put into office. What is this nation of ours coming to. Right now I am mad as Hell !!! and you should be as well. America go back to what made you great. Repent from your sins. Church will you please wake up and see what is going on get out of your comfort zone.
if you are a church leader with gross sin in your life repent or step aside. I would love to hear some responses from you.. God raise up a generation of young people who seek you with all of there hearts.

If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray, you know the rest.



1 comment:

Eber Freitas said...

Hi, Jim... I'm from Brazil and the situation here is not very different. Church leaders are bringin' shame to every true christian. But we have to remember that the pastors and the musicians are specially "targets" of the devil. Let's open our eyes and face the evil with the God's authority!!!

¡Jesus is the rock that doesn't roll! (Larry Norman)